Dinosaur Discoveries

About The Project

66 Million Years In The Making ……E evolver brings newly discovered Dinosaurs to life in a revolutionary new holographic experience! Eevolver produced the CGI for DINOSAUR DISCOVERIES, a one – of – a – kind, large – scale holographic experience that just opened at the Houston Museum of Natural Science’s newly renovated Wortham Theatre. The museum converted its IMAX into a HoloTheater with cutting – edge 4K projection to create a hyper – realistic 3D experience without glasses!


Using state – of – the – art real – time technology, immersive storytelling, and the latest paleontological findings, the film dives into the awe – inspiring world of the Cretaceous period by projecting the film on a screen nearly 8 – stories high!

Eevolver utilized its real – time Unreal pipeline to create, build, and render every environment as a 3D set, ensuring the ability to change the lighting, adjust camera movements an d refine details throughout, so that the process could remain focused on storytelling and image creation. Real – time solutions were also used on the fur and feathered dinosaurs, which maintained the quality in parallel helping to manage the technological fe at of rendering 9K holographic images for the 80ft screen.

Over the course of the 40 – minute film, Eevolver’s hero sequences take up more than half of the show; tying each unique, scientific discovery into the next and carefully crafting the ultimate image of these newly realized, prehistoric birds. Fully incorporating the archaeological community’s research into the project, Eevolver’s dual real – time and film pipeline were used to create the fur and


Dinosaur Discoveries


Base Xperiential, Artisans Experiences, Paquin Entertainment Group, Houston Museum of Natural Science


CG / R&D / Modeling / Texturing/ CGUI Human/Crowd Simulation / Lighting / Comping /Music Composition